Contributions for #Bitball #Treasure are now open after 3 years.

21 May 2023, 12:58
Contributions for #Bitball #Treasure are now open after 3 years. Due to high demand of #BTRS on #uniswap, we have opened the contributions to acquire #BTRS at an average market price (increases as the demand rise). Total- 100,000 #BTRS tokens. More info: We noticed some traders bought #BTRS on uniswap at even $75,000 during last few years, so we decided to open our contributions to acquire #BTRS at an average starting price. Contributions will be used for higher liquidity on dexs, exchange Listings, new platform for BTRS. Price increase as follows; First 1,000 BTRS = $10.00 (ETH 0.0055) Next 5,000 BTRS = $20.00 (ETH 0.011) Next 5,000 BTRS = $30.00 (ETH 0.017) Next 10,000 BTRS = $50.00 (ETH 0.028) Next 25,000 BTRS = $100.00 (Eth 0.055) Next 50,000 BTRS = $150.00 (Eth 0.083) Tweet: